

Ephesians 5:22-33; Revelation 19:6-9

Weddings are incredible celebrations where family and friends gather to witness the union of two individuals. During these ceremonies, brides and grooms make promises to each other, vowing to uphold a togetherness that will not be separated by anything.

Sadly, we know many marriages don’t last; they don’t stick to the promises they made on that special day. Love seems to fade, conflict seems to rise, and husbands and wives grow apart instead of closer together.

Throughout history, God has described His connection to His people with marriage-centric language. Jesus is the groom, and we the Church, are His bride. He has done His part in loving us to the ends of the earth—He is the ultimate faithful husband.

How are we doing as His bride?




The Church Does not have a Mission; the Mission has the Church